Reid Health
Reid Health
Reid Health
Eyebrows for a Building.
Linel's scope for this project was the ornamental eyebrow elements on the building. The eyebrow elements produce an attractive transition at the corners of the building from the horizontal architecture banding on the primary facade walls. The eyebrows on the long leg follow a curve in plan while also having a slight rise back to the building.
This design created a challenge of following changing surface geometry - compound forming. The eyebrows were fabricated in sections for field fitting, Linel's Kynar 500 paint line applied the finish after fabrication.
Final assembly required Linel's skilled and artful welders and polishers. At some conditions, the eyebrows transitioned over the curtain wall requiring a matching up with the horizontal mullions. Linel's skilled machinists, welders and installers proved why Linel is top of mind for projects that require the best!